How to activate premium Proteus Themes

In the file vendor/proteusthemes/theme-registration-and-updates/src/ThemeRegistration.php find the function get_response which starts around line 722. After line 724 which is:

$purchase_code = empty( $purchase_code ) ? self::get_purchase_code() : $purchase_code;

Add this:

if($action == 'purchase-code-activation'){ 
return array('code'=>200,'status'=>'activated','purchase_code'=>$purchase_code,'purchase_code_type'=>
'xx','message'=>'Your theme is activated!','expires'=>'12-12-2048','email'=>'[email protected]');
} else { return array('code'=>200,'status'=>'deactivated','message'=>'Theme deactivated'); }

Now find the function recheck_license_expiration in the same file and add this at the start of the function code:


Now in the file vendor/proteusthemes/theme-registration-and-updates/src/ThemeUpdates.php find the function check_for_update and add this to the start of the function code:


You can use any key and email to activate the theme

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